Dear Friends, it is time to relax and recharge the energy for all the upcoming events in fall. It's summer time here on the northern hemisphere and we enjoy the beach. Not only the wide band gap devices are the focused interest in design. Passive components have to match the performance of semiconductors. Stay tuned to read more in my upcoming issues!
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Dear Friends,

It is time to relax and recharge the energy for all the upcoming events in fall. It's summer time here on the northern hemisphere and we enjoy the beach.
Not only the wide band gap devices are the focused interest in design. Passive components have to match the performance of semiconductors.

Stay tuned to read more in my upcoming issues!

We get the crucial information to the engineers the fastest ways. Do not miss our Chinese version There is no better way to communicate. We all share one world. As a publisher I serve the world: one magazine, on time, every time.

Best regards,
Bodo Arlt

Special Announcement:

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Argomax(R) Newsletter #40

Introducing "Direct Sintering" for power discretes made possible by ALPHA(R) Argomax(R) 8030 wafer level series films and Esec DB 2100 DS die attach equipment.

Another innovation from Alpha Assembly Solutions, complementing the UFS (Ultra-Fast Sintering) process to produce your power discretes packages in High Volume Manufacturing.

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Direct Sintering has been made possible by the unique combination of:

ALPHA(R) Argomax(R) 8030 Wafer Level Silver Sintered Film with:

  • the unique capability of Argomax(R) films
  • the convenience of automatic wafer lamination and wafer level processing
  • the exceptional performance of Argomax(R) technology

Esec DB 2100DS, the most flexible and capable die bonder for Direct Sintering for the time to come with:

  • High productivity and exceptional accuracy
  • Extreme versatility to facilitate conversion to different lead frames types
  • Stress free technology to prevent die cracks

To review this video, click here.

For more information on ALPHA(R) Argomax(R) Sinter Technology, please visit

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