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The Significance of Power

In the beginning was the fire, and it enabled mankind to become more and more independent of the elements on earth. Without fire, mankind would have neither been able to settle in colder regions of our planet nor to expand its entire population beyond a few million inhabitants worldwide. Fire enabled steam engines and the industrialization, and the “fire of the information age” is data – enabled through electricity powering server farms. So far, electricity is the most convenient form of energy as it allows for easy transformation into heat and cold, movement, light etc. By the way: About 1.4 billion people do not have access to electricity – today!

Considering this, we understand why we gave the practical use of electricity the name “power”. The daily use of electricity has become so ubiquitous and omnipresent that we just “supply...

The Significance of Power

In the beginning was the fire, and it enabled mankind to become more and more independent of the elements on earth. Without fire, mankind would have neither been able to settle in colder regions of our planet nor to expand its entire population beyond a few million inhabitants worldwide. Fire enabled steam engines and the industrialization, and the “fire of the information age” is data – enabled through electricity powering server farms. So far, electricity is the most convenient form of energy as it allows for easy transformation into heat and cold, movement, light etc. By the way: About 1.4 billion people do not have access to electricity – today!

Considering this, we understand why we gave the practical use of electricity the name “power”. The daily use of electricity has become so ubiquitous and omnipresent that we just “supply power” like we supply food or water. Electrical power has become the lifeblood of our modern society, and this is the reason why power supplies and power systems are such an important utility.

Here at Bodo’s Power Systems, we permanently aim to make your life as a power system designer easier and more effective. This is the reason why our entire team went to PCIM in Nuremberg to get the latest updates as well as to welcome you to our booth. Our editorial team (Bodo, Holger and myself) spoke with many industry experts, and one fact became obvious: the era of wide bandgap semiconductors has only just begun in all kinds of power applications. This was very impressively shown at the wide bandgap presentation session on PCIM’s Technology Stage, where you had to be early to get a seat and several people had to listen standing. This session, which was solely organized by Bodo’s Power Systems, comprised of two 1-hour sessions discussing SiC and one session on GaN. But this was just a foretaste of Bodo’s Wide Bandgap Event, where you will be able to immerse yourself more intensively in the world of SiC and GaN on December 3 and 4 at the Munich Airport Hilton.

Bodo’s magazine is delivered by postal service to all places in the world. It is the only magazine that spreads technical information on power electronics globally. We have EETech as a partner serving our clients in North America. If you speak the language, or just want to have a look, don’t miss our Chinese version at An archive of our magazine with every single issue is available for free on our website

Green tip of the month: The era of fire is basically over, the era of electricity is here. So, whenever you can afford it, choose your energy supplies in a way that you receive energy from renewable sources only and say good-bye to fire-relating technologies as fast as possible. Our (Grand)children will thank you for it.

Kind regards,

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